Our social compliance policy includes the standards that we have established with all our business partners, based on our core principles and values and carried out as a teamwork. This policy has been prepared to share with all our employees, stakeholders and business partners a clear commitment that our company will fulfill all its responsibilities.


Our goal is to ensure that the Social Compliance Policy becomes a corporate culture within the organization. For this reason, social compliance standards have been established and started to be implemented. In addition to creating services with these social compliance standards, this policy undertakes to provide all rights of employees arising from the standards within the framework of the laws, to comply with occupational health and safety rules, to be sensitive to the environment, and to create a workplace environment where employees are treated with open and honest communication, respect and value. The social compliance policy is announced to all our employees through communication channels (intranet, e-mail group, etc.), our suppliers are informed through our official website and our suppliers are evaluated according to these criteria.


Within the scope of this policy, no sanctions or punitive actions are taken against employees who express their concerns, worries and complaints, and the necessary environment is created for them to express these concerns and worries. Employees can openly express all kinds of opinions, requests, complaints and suggestions, which are evaluated by the Senior Management and necessary improvement activities are carried out for areas open to improvement.


The Social Compliance Policy covers the following components. All principles in this policy are implemented with the necessary regulations.


Prevention of Forced and Compulsory Labor: In our company, no employee is subjected to forced labor. Working principles in our company are based on voluntariness. If an employee quits his/her job, the company does not prevent or postpone it, except for any security reasons. All kinds of information of our employees are protected and kept confidential to the extent specified by law. The employee undertakes not to work overtime without his/her consent or to work in a job outside the employment contract.


Prevention of Child Labor: Our Company adheres to the minimum age provisions of applicable laws and regulations. It undertakes to act in accordance with the procedures and principles of employing child and young workers, and not to employ workers under the age of 18 in positions requiring hazardous work and under the age of 15 in other positions. The Company’s prohibition on child labor complies with International Labor Organization standards.


Prevention of Discrimination: The Company undertakes not to discriminate against employees on the basis of age, gender, race, religion, language, ancestry, ethnic and national origin, social class, sexual orientation, belief, marital, social or economic status, disability, political opinion, participation and membership in trade union activities, family responsibilities, illness, pregnancy or military service status or any other condition that may cause discrimination, to integrate mechanisms to prevent discrimination into its processes, and to provide equal opportunities to all employees.


Prevention of Bribery and Corruption (Ethical Business Behavior): We undertake not to accept any gifts and payments that will provide financial gain from all our employees and suppliers under any circumstances and not to make such requests. Any behavior that provides unfair personal advantage for employees is not tolerated in our company. It is strictly forbidden to give or receive any kind of material that can be considered as a bribe.


Decent Working Hours: We undertake to comply with the applicable laws and obligations in determining the working hours, to comply with the voluntary principle in overtime, to comply with the weekly and annual overtime limits specified by the Laws and customer standards, and to pay the overtime wage calculated from the increased wage specified by the Laws.


Fair Wages and Benefits: We are committed to making normal and overtime payments as stipulated by law and collective bargaining agreements, providing employees with social benefits as stipulated in collective bargaining agreements, and meeting the minimum standard of living in our region.


Ensuring and Sustainability of Occupational Health and Safety: Our company is committed to fully comply with the Occupational Health and Safety legal requirements and customer social compliance standards and projects, to effectively implement technical developments and innovations, to take necessary measures by examining the factors and conditions affecting the health and safety of all employees, temporary workers, subcontractor employees, visitors, customers and any person in the workplace affected by the activities carried out.


Commitment to Society and Stakeholders: Our company is committed to establishing a bond̆ on the basis of goodwill by listening to the views of its stakeholders, obtaining information from their views and taking their views into consideration. In this context, it determines employee representatives in accordance with the legal legislation, creates an environment where employees can discuss their problems with representatives and allows them to report their problems in writing in suggestion boxes. Commit to establish a dialog with its stakeholders, where appropriate, on issues related to the workplace and workplace rights within its sphere of influence.


Employment of Foreign National Workers (Employment of Foreign Workers): For foreign national employees who are/will be employed in our company in accordance with the law, all personnel procedures from recruitment to termination of employment are carried out in accordance with the legal regulations in force. The legal rights of foreign employees regarding employment are protected.


Rest Days and Holidays: Our employees use their rest and vacation days within the framework of their legal rights. Working days vary according to the nature of the work.


Recruitment and Regular Employment: In order to ensure the continuity of social compliance requirements, the Company undertakes that during recruitment and selection of personnel, compliance with company rules and the company’s social compliance requirements will be accepted as a necessary and important criterion as well as technical and professional knowledge; policies to prevent discrimination and harassment and mistreatment will be valid in remuneration, performance and employment contract processes starting from the recruitment stage; regular employment and social security of employees will be provided.


Prevention of Discipline, Harassment and Maltreatment: It undertakes to take the peace of the working environment and the happiness of the employees as a basis; to respect the dignity and personality of the employees, not to use corporal punishment; not to apply wage deduction sanctions in any way to discipline its employees, and not to allow verbal, physical, psychological harassment, pressure, threats or coercion.


Freedom of Association and Representation and Respect for the Right to Collective Bargaining: We are committed to respecting the right of employees to union membership and collective bargaining, and the right to free and democratic representation through employee representatives.


Compliance with Laws and Other Obligations: The Company is committed to act in compliance with applicable local laws and regulations and international regulations.


Submitting Wishes and Complaints: It undertakes to create alternative methods for each employee to communicate their wishes and complaints, to establish an appropriate working environment by making timely and effective evaluation and feedback, and not to retaliate against the employee’s wishes and complaints.


Supply Chain Management: The Company undertakes to obtain the social compliance commitments of suppliers, subcontractors and business partners, to evaluate each of them in terms of social compliance, to monitor the reasonable and adequate measures they take according to the results of the evaluation, and to support a mutual cooperation approach to continuously improve their social compliance levels.


Environmental Protection: We are committed to comply with applicable environmental legislation and customer standards, to prevent environmental pollution based on environmental aspects and impact assessment, and to reduce pollution at its source through effective waste management.